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The Importance of proper posture and how to maintain good posture
Do you know? Our confidence depends heavily on having a good posture.Poor posture not only affects your appearance but also your mental health.Proper posture means having a natural curve in your spine and straight shoulders,which reduces the risk of back pain.It is actually a sign that you have very healthy bones within.When you are straight, you make things straight, but when you are bent, your bent posture kicks out your positiveness and gives way to bitterness.It boosts your self esteem and steer you towards a brand new life filled with full of confidence.In this blog, let’s discuss importance of good posture and tips to maintain it.
Practicing a good posture will put less stress on your muscles and joints.sometimes improper posture can put stress on your neck, shoulders and muscles at back which causes stiffness and also headache. By maintaining this you are actually taking a step towards better bone health preventing risk factors. Additionally, it helps in the process of digestion and breathing. When you are bent, it actually compresses your stomach and lungs making them harder to function.
Recent research stated that having a perfect posture can help you get in a good mood and have great energy levels. Overall, it enhances your mental health and gives you positive vibes throughout the day. By sitting in a straight and proper posture, it will help you stay more alert and focused.
Be cautious of your posture: Always be mindful of your posture. Be alert and attentive to how you sit and stand. If you find yourself slouching or bending, then make complete efforts to adjust your posture by straightening your body and work on it consistently. Being mindful of things can help you identify the risks in their earliest stages.
Sit properly: When you sit, let your legs be flat on the surface and your back straight. Relax while you sit and don’t lean backwards or forward. Do not sit for a long period, try to get up and stand or walk for a while instead of continuous sitting.
Stand properly: When you stand, let your neck be straight and your shoulders relaxed. Make sure you evenly distribute your body weight on two legs. Avoid standing with one side or one hip higher than the other. Stand straight and do not bend for long hours.
Utilize proper furniture: When your daily life involves more sitting then use certain types of furniture that supports your back and also has a feature to adjust the height accordingly. Improper furniture can affect the way you sit and indirectly your posture.
Posture correction exercises: everyday exercises like stretching and other kinds of exercises can improve the flexibility of your muscles. It prevents stiffness and keeps you healthy all day. Regular stretching improves your overall body posture. Make sure you make this a daily routine.
Check your sleeping position: Try to avoid improper posture while sleeping as it can affect your body posture in one or other way. Sleep in a way that it supports all your body parts. There are also certain positions like sleeping positions for lower back pain and neck pain, so try researching and practicing such positions.
Wow ! We have learnt a lot, right? and now you may have a doubt about what to do if you have bad posture due to some orthopedic medical conditions. Well, worry not; I got you an answer. Our Doctor Kartheek Telagareddy at Ortho360 is the best orthopedic doctor in Hyderabad with proven experience in orthopedics. He offers a number of medical services including Pain Management,ACL Reconstruction, Fracture Treatment, Joint Muscle & Nerve Problems, Joint Replacement Surgery, Joints and Musculoskeletal Disorders and many more. With his experience he gives the best treatment and helps you adjust your body posture as well. Why think so much? Schedule a consultation today to adjust your body posture and boost your confidence.
How can poor posture affect my health?
Having improper posture causes a lot of health conditions like headache, back pain, neck pain, fatigue, spinal misalignment, muscle weakness, joint pains, nerve damage etc. in some cases it can lead to severe medical conditions like scoliosis, breathing problems etc.
Can poor posture be caused by other factors beside prolonged sitting?
Yes, carrying heavy loads can lead to a bent body posture, and also, by wearing high heels, your feet will not be in proper posture as they won't be in flat positions. Sleeping also in improper posture is another factor besides prolonged sitting.
: How to check that I have a proper posture or not?
Go ahead and stand with your back leaning against the wall and place your heels six inches away. Now see if you have a proper posture then your head, shoulders and buttocks, touch the wall there must be a small gap between your lower back and the wall. It is a way to check whether you have a proper posture or not.
What are some ergonomic products that help me to improve my body posture?
Lumbar support cushions, footrests, footrests, ergonomic mice, standing desk mats, posture trackers, lumbar support pillows, etc. are some of the products that can help you improve and maintain proper body posture.