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What is wrist and hand fracture ?
Wrist or hand fracture occurs if one or many bones in the hands get damaged. The bones in the hand include metacarpals (long bones) that form a connection between fingers and wrist , phalanges which are the bones of fingers , carpal bones.
What are the causes for fractures in the hand and wrist ?
Basically, certain activities like twisting hands, falling, a blow to the hand or wrist, injuries, etc. are the reasons for fractures in the hand or wrist.
Who is at risk ?
People who participate in sports are more likely to face hand and wrist fractures. In some cases, people who have fragile bones have this fracture risk. It is required to treat the damaged bones early because if the condition gets severe we see difficulty in alignment.
What are the symptoms ?
Following are the symptoms of hand and wrist fractures :
- Swelling around the injury
- Difficulty in movement
- Weakness and inability to hold an object
- Severe pain and also tenderness in the affected area
- Tingling feeling in the affected area
- Bent hands or wrist
What are the various kinds of hand and wrist fractures ?
Following are the different kinds of hand and west fractures based on the specific affected bone :
- Colles fracture
- Boxer fracture
- Smith fracture
- Bennett fracture
- Avulsion fracture
- Scaphoid fracture
- Elbow fracture
- Finger fracture
How is it diagnosed ?
These kinds of fractures need physical examinations and X-rays to identify the broken bones. In some cases CT scans or MRI will be required to get more insights and clarity about the fractures, injury etc.
How are they treated ?
The type of treatment is based on many factors like the kind of fracture or it is disclosed or open and many other factors are taken into consideration before treating the fracture. Some of the treatment methods are stated below :
Surgery : In this method, doctors use screws, pins, etc. to hold the bone in order to realign it. This process is carried when there is involvement of multiple bones. Surgery is also done in some severe cases where you can see the broken bone through the skin which is called open fracture. It is also done if doctors identify any damage in nerves or blood vessels.
Immobilization : In this method the broken bone is held using braces or splints until it gets healed. It is a non surgical method used in general cases. The splints are worn for some weeks until the bone gets healed.
What are the medications and therapy ?
Medications are recommended by doctors based on the complexity and some medications are given to fight against infections.
After healing the broken bone physiotherapy is given in order to restore the healthy movement of hands.

Hand Arthritis

What is hand arthritis ?
Hand arthritis is a chronic joint disease that affects the joints of the hands and fingers. It occurs due to the gradual wear and tear of cartilage. The cartilage helps the joints move freely, but as it wears, it leads to discomfort in the joints. Arthritis is seen in different areas but is commonly found in the wrists and anterior joints, which connect the thumb, wrist, fingertips, and middle knuckles of the finger
What are the symptoms of hand arthritis ?
Common symptoms of hand arthritis include stiffness, inflammation, discomfort or pain, difficulty moving fingers, and, in severe cases, joints may lose their function, disabling the movement of fingers.
What are the causes ?
- As people age, their cartilage wears down, putting their hands and fingers at risk of arthritis.
- Injuries can also cause it. When there is an injury in the fingers or joints, they are at risk of developing arthritis, and some of them can be fractures, sprains, or dislocations.
- Repetitive or excessive use of hands and fingers in daily activities such as writing, lifting heavy loads, and so on can also be a factor.
- We see infections in hands leading to arthritis in some cases
- Some auto-immune disorders, like rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, and lupus, can cause inflammation leading to arthritis in the hands
In conclusion, hand arthritis can be due to several factors, such as age, injuries, medical conditions, genetics, lifestyles,lifestyles etc., so it is very important to consult a doctor to address these issues.
How is it identified?
X-rays are used to detect the issues present in joints, bones, and cartilage. Using it, doctors identify arthritis in the hands and take the necessary steps to cure it.
What are some non surgical treatments for hand arthritis?
Every treatment is based on the level or adverse state of the issue. Some of the treatment are stated below:
- Braces/Splints: By wearing a splint you can get relief from pain as it gives support to your bones.
- Physiotherapy: Generally, a physiotherapist either teaches you or helps you do some sorts of exercises that help you get flexibility in your hands and fingers, enhance the motion of affected joints, and increase strength.
- Changes in lifestyle : You can slow down the risk or progress of hand arthritis by changing your habits of overusing hands and fingers and also by maintaining proper weight.
Medications: Some medications to relieve the pain, like acetaminophen or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, can help you reduce the inflammation and pain due to hand arthritis.
What are some surgical treatments for hand arthritis ?
If the pain persists even after nonsurgical treatment, surgical treatment is recommended. The following are some surgical methods:
Joint replacement surgery: in this method, the damaged joint is actually replaced with an artificial implant made of metal, etc. It is actually done to restore motion and reduce pain. It helps restore full function within a few months.
Joint fusion surgery : It involves fusing the bones of the affected joints together. In this process, the affected cartilage or bone is removed, and screws, plates, etc. are used to hold the region until it gets healed. This forms a solid, immovable connection between the bones, eliminating the damaged joint.
Rheumatoid Arthritis
What is Rheumatoid Arthritis ?
It is an autoimmune disease that causes pain, inflammation and stiffness in joint regions. Early detection is important because it worsens speedily and can affect anyone as there is no specific age group for it.
What are the symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis ?
Early stages show various symptoms such as:
- Difficulty in sleep
- Fatigue/weariness
- Dehydrated mouth
- Lack of appetite
- Decreased weight
- Chest pain during breathing
- Itchy and swollen red eyes
Main symptoms are as follows :
- Inflammation and redness in joint area
- Severe joint pains
- Stiffness in joints after staying in a position for long duration
- Formation of rheumatoid nodules under the skin of the affected area
What are the causes ?
Following are some of the causes of rheumatoid arthritis :
- Genetics : Inherited genes are one of the reasons for rheumatoid arthritis. People are at risk of getting this if there is any history of RA in their family.
- Infection : Sometimes bacterial and viral infections can enhance the growth of rheumatoid arthritis in people who are more likely to get affected.
- Disfunction in immune system : An overactive immune system can attack its own body tissues leading to inflammation and damage.
- Gender and age : Women are at a much higher risk of getting rheumatoid arthritis when compared to men, and the risk factor increases as age increases.
- Obesity : excess weight puts a lot of stress on joints that can lead to rheumatoid arthritis.
- Smoking
- Hormonal factors : During pregnancy or menopause we notice changes in hormones that can lead to rheumatoid arthritis.
Not everyone who has the above-mentioned risk factors is susceptible to this disease, but RA can attack anyone who doesn’t even have risk factors.
What are the areas of the body that are affected by rheumatoid arthritis?
Rheumatoid arthritis can attack different parts of the body as follows :
- Hands & Fingers
- Wrist
- Multiple Joints
- Knee
- Ankle
- Elbow
- Shoulder
- Feet & Toe
- Cervical spine ( Neck )
Less common :
- Eyes
- Skin
- Blood vessels
- Lungs
- Heart
How is it identified ?
It is identified by physical examination and generally the doctor checks if there are any swollen joints and also sees the movement of your joints.
As there are other health conditions that have the same symptoms, RA is difficult to identify, and there is no way to tell if you have rheumatoid arthritis.
Some of the tests that are done to identify the symptoms of RA are ESR , CRP , total RBC count, Rheumatoid factor ,Anti CCP antibodies.
In some cases X-rays are done to identify the damaged bone.
How is it treated ?
Basically the disease is treated to decrease the pain and discomfort it causes. Following are the ways that are implemented to treat Rheumatoid arthritis.
Non surgical method / physiotherapy :
Physiotherapists will assist you in maintaining flexible joints through some sorts of exercises and also regular exercises can reduce the risk of RA.
Surgical methods :
Surgery is done when the condition is severe in order to restore the regular movement of joints and to decrease the pain that it is causing. Some of the surgical methods are stated below :
Arthroscopy : In this method the swollen damaged joint tissue is eliminated by surgery.
Tendon repair : In this method the tendons that are damaged due to RA is repaired
Joint replacement : In this method the affected joint is replaced by an artificial alternate.
Hand , finger and wrist surgery : In this method the swollen joint tissue is removed and the tendons in the fingers are released and more.
Tenosynovectomy : In this method the inflamed tendon sheath is removed.
There are several other surgical methods that are performed to treat rheumatoid arthritis and are based on the affected area and the severity of the disease.
What are the medications ?
Generally this disease is treated through 4 kinds of medications stated as follows :
- Corticosteroids
- Pain killers
- NSAIDs – Non steroidal anti inflammatory drugs
- DMARDs – Disease modifying anti Rheumatic drugs.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

What is carpal tunnel syndrome ?
Carpal tunnel syndrome is a medical condition where the carpal tunnel gets compressed and squeezed. It is a condition seen specifically in the hands and wrist.
What are the symptoms ?
The symptoms may include pain, numbness or inability to move fingers , tingling , weakness in hands or wrist specifically in the thumb region and index fingers. The symptoms get worse as the condition persists for a long time causing discomfort and pain.
The condition persists for a long time causing discomfort and pain. What are the causes ?
There are several conditions that can cause carpal tunnel syndrome , some of them are repetitive movement of hands and wrist , Injuries in wrist , arthritis and other medical conditions.
Who is at risk ?
Following are some cases of the people who are at huge risk of this syndrome :
- Women are more likely to face this medical condition when compared to men as they have smaller carpals.
- If there is any case of CT in the family history then the generations that come out from the affected person are at risk of this syndrome, taking heredity into consideration.
- Repetitive movements that involve fingers , wrist like typings, playing keyboard etc.
How is it identified ?
- By tapping or pressing the median nerve to check if it causes any tingling in fingers.
- Bending or holding wrist to check if there is any numbness
- Checking the sense in the finger region
- Check if there is any weakness in hands and fingers
Medical tests :
- Ultrasound
- X-Ray
- Electromyogram
How is it treated ?
The treatment of the condition depends on the severity of the condition and following are the ways the syndrome is treated.
Non surgical methods :
- Steroidal injection
- Exercises
- Change in lifestyle by taking more breaks to avoid repetitive motion
- Using brace and splints to hold the affected area until it gets healed.
Surgical methods :
Surgical methods are performed when the condition is severe and is not cured even after using medications and therapy
The surgical method performed to treat CT syndrome is “Carpal Tunnel Release” . In this method the pressure on the median nerve is reduced by cutting the ligament that is at the roof of the carpal tunnel. This surgical method reduces pressure on the median nerve by increasing the size of the tunnel.
Sports Injury
What are the types of sports injuries ?
Based on the conditions sports injuries are classified into two types :
Traumatic injuries :
They are most commonly seen in athletes who play hockey, wrestling etc. some of the types areas follows :
- Fractures
- Dislocations
- Abrasions
- Contusions
- Lacerations
- Crush injuries
Overuse injuries :
These injuries are seen in athletes who indulge in sports that require overuse of body parts. Games like baseball, tennis, golf, etc. some of the types are as follows :
- Tendinitis
- Carpal tunnel syndrome
- Hand Osteoarthritis
- Tennis elbow
- Intersection syndrome
What are the causes ?
Due to repetitive movements during the games, due to things related to sports, and due to close contact with other players during the games, are some of the causes for sports injury.
What are common sports injuries in hands and wrist ?
- Scaphoid fracture
- Kienbock’s diseases
- Wrist impingement
- Carpal tunnel syndrome
- Jammed finger
How is it treated ?
Relaxation and immobilization :
- It is to avoid the activity or games that puts more pressure on affected region
- Using splints to hold the affected area steadily until it is healed
Therapy using ice and heat :
- Ice is used to reduce the inflamed region and to reduce pain
- Heat is applied to relieve stiffness
Medications :
- Anti-inflammatory drugs and pain relievers like ibuprofen, etc., which are prescribed by doctors.
Injections :
- Injections are given to reduce pain and inflammation
- Injections like platelet rich plasma are given to healing.
Surgeries :
- Surgically eliminating the damaged region
- Realigning the bones and also the joints
- Many other surgical methods are performed to cure based on the conditions.
What must be the preventive measures ?
Taking necessary precautions can help to prevent complications. Some of the preventive measures are stated below :
- Wearing proper protective equipments
- Working with a trainer
- Maintaining good posture while playing
- Giving rest to body by taking enough breaks
- Avoiding techniques that will put you at risk while playing

Tendon Rupture

What is tendon rupture ?
Tendon is a band that attaches the muscles to the bones. A slight or full tear of a tendon is called tendon rupture. It results in severe pain and permanent disability if it is left untreated.
What are the symptoms ?
The symptoms of tendon rupture are physically seen and some of them are stated below :
- Severe pain and tenderness in the affected area
- Inflammation
- Popping sound
- Bruise
- Stiffness in joints of fingers
- Weakness in the affected area
What are the causes ?
The causes for tendon rupture are stated below :
- Strain or overuse
- Trauma
- Improper nutrition
- Aging
- Medical conditions
- Misalignments
How is it identified ?
To get more insights doctors use ultrasound and MRI techniques to identify tendon rupture besides they also do physical examination to identify symptoms.
How is it treated ?
Treatment varies based on the severity of the condition and some of the treatments are stated below :
Non surgical methods
Brace : wearing braces or splint to hands will help tendons to get healed as it helps the hands to remain still until it is healed.
Physiotherapy : Physiotherapists will guide you to do some specific exercises to strengthen muscles and improve mobility.
Medications :
Certain medications are given to reduce pain and inflammation.
Ice and heat therapy :
Ice is kept at the affected area to reduce the inflammation and heat is used to relieve pain.
Surgical methods
Surgeries are done only when the condition gets severe and when the injuries are not healed with non surgical methods
Sutures are using in the surgery to bring the ruptured tendons together and in the case of partial ruptures surgery is made to avoid worsening of conditions