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The Importance of Proper Footwear for Healthy Joints

Our feet are like pillars of our body; we use them to run, walk, and stand. Many times, we don’t care about our foot health until there is any pain. Do you know a fact? The type of footwear we wear has an impact on our bone and joint health and foot health. Wearing proper footwear is essential to preventing injuries, footaches, and joint pains. There are several types of footwear that are suggested for use, and some are not. Some shoes, like new balance shoes, flat slippers, etc., are highly recommended as they are a proper option for balancing when you walk, stand, or run. In this blog, let’s discuss the role of footwear and also learn how to identify a proper suit for your foot to maintain healthy joints.

The Role of Footwear in Joint health

Our feet and ankles are made of bones, tendons, ligaments, and muscles, which makes them a complex structure of our body. Have you ever noticed? When we walk, run, or stand for long periods of time, pressure is transmitted to our hips, joints, and pelvis region, causing pain and discomfort. So we have to make sure to wear proper footwear to promote good support and balance to our feet to avoid major orthopedic problems like even stress fractures,plantar fasciitis etc.

Footwear actually cushions our feet and acts as a shield against rough surfaces. Wearing too tight or too loose footwear can cause foot pain, leading to severe conditions like bunions, corns, and calluses. Do you know something about footwear that is not cushioning properly so that shock is transmitted to joints and the upper region of the legs, which can cause pain or inflammation? Now It makes you feel concerned about your footwear,right ? 

Footwear that makes your foot roll inward excessively puts extra stress on your hips and lower back region. So now let’s dip deeper and learn to practice some steps while choosing proper footwear for good joint health.

Steps to choose right fit for your feet

You might feel a bit overwhelmed trying to choose the right fit for your feet. Here are some tips to follow while picking up the right shoe.

In conclusion it is very important to wear proper footwear to avoid joint pains. Nowadays different types of orthopedic shoes are available in the market which are designed considering both bone health and modern fashion. Going for a wrong choice can put you in danger of orthopedic conditions that are more painful. Taking time to focus and consider the factor of bone health while buying a shoe helps you maintain better bone health. If you are facing any orthopedic conditions related to your foot our best orthopedic doctor Kartheek Telagareddy at Ortho360 is available to treat and help you recover. Why delay to care about your foot health? Schedule a consultation with our doctor Kartheek Telagareddy today to get the best orthopedic treatment for your foot conditions caused due to wearing improper foot and several other ways.


Can high heels lead to joint pains?

Yes, it will lead to joint pains in the knee and ankle region. Wearing a high heel leads to your foot misalignment putting more pressure on your feet and transferring that stress to joints and hip. High heels cause you to fall which can lead to fractures in your foot. So it is suggested to go for a low heel instead of a high heel.

How will I know whether my shoe has proper arch support or not?

You can check out by wearing the shoe and see whether it is making you feel comfortable and supportive. A shoe which has a proper arch support enables your midsole to have a noticeable rise. If you are still not sure then you can visit the best healthcare professional to choose the right fit.

What is the benefit of custom orthotics?

These are the special inserts prescribed by doctors to provide best cushioning and support. These assist in correcting foot alignment and body alignment. It will help you reduce stress on joints and muscles and also promote stability and balance. These are designed considering foot health and also prevent certain medical conditions like bunions etc.
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