Best Orthopedic Hospital in Hyderabad

March 2023

The Importance of proper posture and how to maintain good posture

The Importance of proper posture and how to maintain good posture Do you know? Our confidence depends heavily on having a good posture.Poor posture not only affects your appearance but also your mental health.Proper posture means having a natural curve in your spine and straight shoulders,which reduces the risk of back pain.It is actually a …

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Best Orthopedic Hospital in Hyderabad

The benefits of physiotherapy for Orthopedic conditions

The benefits of physiotherapy for Orthopedic conditions Orthopedic conditions are conditions that affect our body’s bones, tendons, ligaments, and joints. These conditions cause limited mobility in the affected region and also inflammation,stiffness, pain, etc. Physiotherapy treatment is a non-invasive process that can help reduce symptoms caused by underlying conditions and improve the overall function of …

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